Our clients
Our current clients include:
Civil society organisations
The European Patients Forum, The European Platform for Multiple Sclerosis, The International Bureau for Epilepsy, Endeavour UK, Eurochild, Mentor UK, Youth Focus North West, The Railway Children, Tobacco Free Futures, The NSPCC, UK Youth, The National Youth Agency (UK), The European Youth Forum, The British Council, ComMutiny (India), Amnesty (Hungary), The National Youth Agency (UK), The National Youth Council Network (DUF).
Universities and research institutions
The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory, University of Central Lancashire, Lancaster University, The Partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Union in the Field of Youth.
Governmental and intra-governmental bodies
The Council of Europe Youth Department, The European Commission (DG EAC: Education, Youth, Sport and Culture), The Commonwealth Youth Programme, The Estonian, Bulgarian and Austrian Trio of Presidencies of the Council of the European Union, The Romanian, Finnish and Croatian Trio of Presidencies of the Council of the European Union, The German, Portuguese and Slovenian Trio Presidency of the Council of the European Union, The Council of Europe Department for Elections and Civil Society, The Council of Europe Education Department, The EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership, The Local Government Association (UK)
Municipalities and local authorities
City of Bradford Metropolitan Borough Council, The City of Oulu Municipality, Lancashire County Council, Manchester City Council.
Erasmus + / ESC Agencies
SALTO Inclusion and Diversity, Salto Participation and Information, SALTO European Solidarity Corps, SALTO Training and Co-operation, The Youth Board of Cyprus, The Centre For European Union Educational and Youth Programmes (Turkey), CIMO (Finland), Agency for International Programs for Youth (Latvia), Jugend fur Europa (Germany), The Democracy Reloaded Partnership.