Document library

Research - Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges

Research conducted by People Dialogue and Change's for The International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB). The work explores what can be done to promote youth exchanges between German and the UK, it is based on a survey of youth workers, youth organisation and young people in both countries.

Change Tracker! Participation impact tool

Produced as part of People Dialogue and Change's work evaluating the Democracy Reloading partnership, this tool can be used by youth workers and project leaders to evolute the impact and effectiveness of their work with policy makers.

Guide: Youth participation in youth information services

A guide on the involvement and participation of young people in the planning, delivery design and evaluation of youth information services.

Produced for the ERYICA and EURODESK

Discussion paper: The cost of unpaid internships

Research by People Dialogue and Change into the cost of unpaid internships for the European Youth Forum, as part of their campaign work in this area.

9th Cycle EU Youth Dialogue: Consultation phase report

A consultation with young people in all EU countries on the topic of Engaging together for a sustainable inclusive Europe, as part of the Council of the EU Trio Presidencies of France - Czech Republic - Sweden

Evaluation of participant inclusion levels within the EU Youth Dialogue

An analysis of representation of different social groups of young people with EUYD, undertaken for the EU-CoE Youth partnership.

Can citizenship education inspire youth political participation?

Research conducted by People Dialogue and Change's Dan Moxon alongside Alonso Escamilla.  This paper explores the effectiveness of current approaches to citizenship education and argues there is need for pedagogies and educational strategies that create greater impact on young people's democratic engagement.

Produced for the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership.

Bringing Europe to life: With and for young people

This report outlines the outcomes of the "Seminar on The Participation of Young People In the European Project", organised as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 09-10 June 2022 in Strasbourg France. Available in French and English.

Produced by People Dialogue and Change for the French Ministry of National Education and Youth.

Radio Ursal: Conticinium interview

An interview with The University of Salamanca's Radio Ursal about People Dialogue and Changes work for the programme Conticinium.

Case studies: Engaging young people in policy development

This set of ten case studies explores examples of young people's involvement in policy development within ten municipalities within England

Produced by People Dialogue and Change for the UK Local Government Association.

Beyond lockdown - The pandemic scar on young people

This research focuses on the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people across Europe.

Produced by People Dialogue and Change for the European Youth Forum.

Influencing and understanding political participation patterns of young people.

This paper focuses on how youth outreach programme can influence young peoples' political participation. It  accompanies a Flash Eurobarometer 'European Parliament Youth Survey' conducted by IPSOS MORI.

Co-Authored by People Dialogue and Change's director, Dan Moxon, for the European Parliament

Expert opinion on Serbian Youth Law

A legal comment on the human rights in relation to youth law in Serbia.

Authored by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights with expert input from Dr Dan Moxon.

Showing solidarity for...

Research into the youth projects addressing sustainability, health and digital transformation within the European Solidarity Corps framework.

Produced by People Dialogue and Change for the SALTO European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre.

Report on the Implementation Phase of 8th Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue

This study explore the implementation of youth participation activities under the 8th Cycle of EU Youth Dialogue 

Authored by People Dialogue and Change's director, Dan Moxon, for  the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

8th Cycle of European Youth Dialogue: Qualitative Consultation Report - Space for Democracy and Participation

The is a pan-European qualitative Consultation into young peoples views and experiences of youth partipcaiton across the EU, involvement upwards of 10,000 young people.

Co-Authored by People Dialogue and Change's director, Dan Moxon, for the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Showing solidarity with...

Research into the concept of solidarity as it is implemented in European Solidarity Corps projects.

Produced by People Dialogue and Change for the SALTO European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre.

Youth participation toolkit

A practical toolkit to help youth workers develop participation focused projects in the contexts of Erasmus+: Youth and European Solidarity Corps.

Produced by People Dialogue and Change and Frankly Speaking for the SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre.

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Vote outside of the box

A toolkit for electoral management bodies on developing electoral awareness raising measures targeted at young people. 

Produced by People Dialogue and Change for the Council of Europe's Division of Elections and Civil Society.

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New and innovative forms of youth participation in decision making

Research into alternative/innovative forms of youth participation across Europe.

Written by People Dialogue and Change and Red Kite Consulting for The Council of Europe's Youth Department.

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Youth participation strategy for the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes

An EU wide youth participation strategy covering the EU's two major instruments for youth participation and youth. 

Developed for SALTO Participation and Information by People Dialogue and Change.

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Involving children and young people under 18 in civil participation mechanisms and decision making processes

Policy guidance on the involvement of under 18's in civil participation mechanisms and policy initiatives. 

Written by People Dialogue and Change for the Council of European Division of Elections and Civil Society to advise Ukraine and other Council of Europe Member States.

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Young inspectors: A national guidance framework

A guide for local authorities in the UK developing programmes to enable young people to inspect municipality services.

Written by People Dialogue and Change for Youth Focus North West and funded by the Department for Culture Media and Sport.

A seat at the table for everyone: Promoting inclusive youth participation through the EU youth strategy

A discussion paper published by SALTO Participation and Information on inclusive approaches to participation.

Authors include People Dialogue and Change's Dan Moxon and Corina Pirvulescu.

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Be real with me: Using peer research to explore the journeys of young people who run away from home or care

A paper outlines the youth led research methods developed by People Dialogue and Change for the The Railway Children's Reaching Safe Spaces project with young people who runaway.

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Relationship journeys of young people who run away

An academic article exploring the use of peer research to identify the journeys of young people who runaway from home or care. 

Written by Jane Thompson (Railway Children) and Dan Moxon (People Dialogue and Change). Published in the Youth Voice Journal.

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Opening doors: Young people’s views on housing in Preston

Findings from a participatory research project into young people views on housing. 

Developed by People Dialogue and Change for Preston Community Gateway Association and The University of Central Lancashire.

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Social inclusion, digitalisation and young people

Research conducted by The Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of Youth

Co-authors include People Dialogue and Change's Dan Moxon and Adina Serban. 

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The 7th Cycle of EU Youth Dialogue: Findings from EU Youth Dialogue activities in the member states and across Europe

Findings from a consultation of over 50,000 young people across Europe on the topics of rural youth, youth work and and the future of work.  The consultation was conducted by working groups  in every EU country based on methods designed by People Dialogue and Change's Dan Moxon and Ondras Barta, who also drafted this report.

The work was undertaken on behalf of the Romanian, Finnish and Croatian Trio of Presidencies' of the Council of the European Union.

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European Youth Dialogue VII: Graphical summary of findings

A graphic summary of findings from the 7th Cycle of EU Youth Dialogue

Created by People Dialogue and Change for the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

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The 6th Cycle of EU Youth Dialogue: Consultation findings

Findings from a consultation of over 50,000 young people across Europe on range of topics identified by young people. The consultation was conducted by working groups  in every EU country based on methods designed by People Dialogue and Change's Dan Moxon and Ondras Barta, who also drafted this set of reports.

The work was undertaken on behalf of the Estonian, Bulgarian and Austrian Trio of Presidencies' of the Council of the European Union. It was instrumental in leading to the creation of the EU Youth Goals.

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Being "the researchers" in a political participatory environment

A reflection paper exploring the challenges of conducting participatory consultation in complex political settings. Written by People Dialogue and Change's Dan Moxon and Ondras Barta based on their experiences within the EU Youth Dialogue.

Published by The Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of Youth. 

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Bradford youth offer review

A review of municipal and civil society youth provision at local level in the City of Bradford Metropolitan District. Used to inform the development of the cities youth strategy.

Conducted by People Dialogue and Change for the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

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Simple truths: Youthforia youth employment commission report

findings from a deliberative partipcaiton inquiry that enabled young people and experts to identify issue in youth (un)employment support. 

Led by  People Dialogue and Change's Dan Moxon for Youth Focus North West.

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Manchester teenage pregnancy prevention and support programme: Sexual health education and outreach evalution

An evalution of young people's sexual health education and outreach services. Conducted for Manchester City Council by People Dialogue and Change.

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Report of the EU-China seminar on mobility and social inclusion

A report of the joint EU-China Seminar on social inclusion and youth. Written by People Dialogue and Change's Dan Moxon for the European Commission's Directorate General for Education and Culture (Youth and Sport)