Our work
We provide specialist advice in the field of youth participation, youth engagement and youth policy, helping other organisations develop a strategic approach to youth participation and youth policies led by young people.
We provide participatory, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research. We undertake research into the views of young people and the topic of youth participation, building knowledge and understanding of youth participation and youth issues.
New and innovative forms of youth participation...
Research conducted for the Council of Europe Youth Department
Reaching safe places
Participatory research methods with children who run away from home or care, developed for The Railway Children by People Dialogue and Change
European Union Youth Dialogue: Researcher role
A participatory programme involving 50,000 young people across Europe, in which our Director co-designed the consultation tools and analysis process.
Capacity building
We provide specialist expertise and capacity for organisations undertaking youth participation initiatives. This includes development and designing new programmes as well as training staff or participants.
European Patient Forum - Summer training for young advocates
Since 2017, we have worked with the European Patient Forum to train over 150 young people with chronic illness to become young patient advocates.
STYPA combines an innovative mixture of face to face training, an online community platform and gamified advocacy campaigns. Our alumni now lead many patients rights organisations throughout Europe.
Support for online work youth work during COVID-19
COVID-19 required a rapid digitisation of many youth programmes. Youth workers across the globe had to find new ways to work with young people without being able to meet in person. To support organisations we have provided free training in digital skills to well close to more than 500 youth workers, in both Europe and India.
Access our padlet on digital youth work,
Watch our video on online youth work.
We provide reviews and evaluations which seek to understand impact and service development from a young person's perspective as well as takign into account the views of other stakeholders and actors.
A review of youth provision across the City of Bradford
An evalution of Ambitious About Autism MyVoice youth participation project
An impact evalution of the multi county Democracy Reloaded project
An evalution of young people's sexual health outreach services in Manchester